Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Nairobi West aka WEO

kenya indeed is a beautiful country and i love it too death. the sceneries in some parts is to die for, and some of the cribs you see here, especially in Nairobi in certain estates like Runda, Garden Estate, Muthaiga and the likes...smart stuff. drifting away from the up-town sides, i bring stuff to our much beloved Nairobi West (aka Weo)....the bar central!

to be really honest, weo aint a bad place, close to tao (town), no need for a mathree (matatu - public means of transport) and nyam chom joints available and so on. i used live there some time back till i moved up-town (literally: my place is a couple of altitudes above sea level than tao) nyway weo is interesting whereby folks like, us up-town peeps that have never seen a CDF dormant, get to see this phenomenon first hand when cruising in weo.

there are a couple of things one must note about weo;

shoe budget high: why is this? looking at the 'roads'...well...they havent got much of a road. eg. jus recently i gav a pal...lets call them Weo-James...now Weo-James asks for cash for a soda, so being the gentleman that i am i helped Weo-James with cash to buy a soda. afew minutes later i see Weo-James with no soda but a brand new sole.

water consumption high: i really pity the weo folk who dont have no cars and work in offices where official dressing is the code of the day because, they constantly make a stop by the watchmans little house and brush their shoes. clothes constantly get worn out because they are always being washed...their colour never lasts long, its like washing a car with OMO ama salty ocean water.

road depletion: if you have ever wondered what an area that has a CDF that is not operational, weo is the place to go

your gym AWAY from gym: just wallking from your house to the bus-stop, the amount of portholes, okay thats an under-estimation they are more like craters, you end up walking in and out so its like going down a hill then coming back out

the other day walking through weo (man do i persevere) at about midday, i notice this guy driving past has his lights on, so am like okay...maybe he forgot then the car passes me and i see its a woman...then am like makes sense, they say women multitask but when it comes to driving????? anyway away from that, continuing my journey...another on coming car has the lights on and am like...eh whats not happenin? then i noticed, its getting abit harder for me to see...

it so happens that the road status causes alot of dust to rise making 13:00hrs look like 6am in Limuru...i have some pals who live there and man do i feel sorry on their behalf, one is constantly cleaning the house.

mucho love to all weo residents


Anonymous said...

Now I have been waiting all this time to really bring out the full throttle of the menace the Nairobi west environment has on its residents. Well let me start by saying on Friday I took a walk in the named area and I found it convinient to call it Nairobi Wets. My goodness we actually sawa a man in Gumboots walking to the local store and weren't we amazed. It answered my many questions though I now know why most residents who attend The services at the near by church ask for lifts as much as the distance is short. If you are planning to move here then better stock you house with three things: Shoe brushes, shoe polish and YES gumboots. Lately I have been repairing my shoes and I noticed its costly. You see I have been leaving where I fellowship via the back route due to security reasons but I came to see that I would better risk lossing the 200 shillings I have than buy a new pair ogf shoes each four months what do you think?

Anonymous said...

...each four weeks sorry